We’re sure there’s no one out there who hasn’t experienced a touch of Pokemon GO obsession during their youth. Originating as a Nintendo video game, it evolved into a profound franchise with various games, animated series, and movies.  

The Pokemon GO craze reached such heights that even in 2024, many people actively seek cheats to enhance their gaming experience. Mastering Pokemon GO can be challenging, but the game becomes more enjoyable when you leverage various free tricks to gain an edge. So, if you want to learn the ins and outs of Pokemon GO hacks 2024, read this article. We’ll delve into the top 10 Pokemon GO cheats for 2024 that will help you navigate the game successfully.


1. Spoof Your Location

Pokemon GO is an augmented reality game that demands players to explore various locations to catch Pokemon physically. It may be just outside your house, in your school’s backyard, or along your daily commute. Sometimes, though, the idea of getting dressed up for a stroll may not sound tempting. You may find pretending to be somewhere else more appealing than going outside.

This is where location spoofing becomes a valuable tactic. By employing external assistance, you can manipulate your in-game location. This means you could be comfortably lying in bed while your in-game trainer captures a Dragonite on a virtual adventure. Since Pokemon GO players can’t manually spoof their location, having a reliable tool becomes essential.

We recommend iFoneTool AnyGo as a top-notch and professional location spoofer. It is a user-friendly tool and comes with many features. Users may move their phone to any desired location by mimicking movement on a map. With only one click, exploring sites worldwide is simple because of its intuitive design.

Users of iPhones and iPads may rapidly update the GPS location of their iOS devices with iFoneTool, which works with both Windows and macOS. With the help of a joystick control, users may precisely regulate GPS movement along personalized courses, creating the illusion of realistic mobility. Users can also compile and import frequently used GPX routes. If you want to modify the location of your device, iFoneTool-AnyGo is the best choice.

Here’s how you can download it in three easy steps:

Step 1: Start the program by downloading AnyGo onto your computer.


Step 2: Link your iPhone or Android device to the computer.


Step 3: Select your preferred mode for altering the GPS location.


2. Use Pokemon Go Hacks

The second most straightforward method to cheat and use Pokemon Go Hacks 2023 involves using cheat codes. Pokemon occasionally releases codes that allow players to reach maximum levels in Pokemon GO. However, it’s worth noting that these cheat codes have a limited lifespan and expire relatively quickly.

These promotional codes are applicable within the game but come with specific time constraints. Users can only utilize them during the designated periods, as they will expire afterward. The following are some cheat codes for Pokemon Go hacks:

  • UWJ4PFY623R5X
  • 9FC4SN7K5DAJ6
  • K8G9DFV4X7L3W
  •  944231010271764
  • 6W2QRHMM9W2R9
  • 844316465423591
  • 6W2QRHMM9W2R9

3. Check the Weather Forecast


Knowing where to find wild Pokemon depends on how close you are to wooded regions. Similarly, the type of Pokemon you may encounter depends significantly on the weather.

Adjusting your Pokemon captures to the current weather conditions can be beneficial. Catching Pokemon that match the day’s weather increases your chances of earning more stardust. For example, instead of the usual 1000 stardust, catching a Chimecho on a windy day could provide 1250 stardust.

4. Deselect AR

Playing an augmented reality (AR) game brings a fun new element, mainly when Pokemon show up on your phone in unexpected locations. However, pointing your phone’s camera at random people as you go down the street can be awkward.

If you turn off augmented reality, the screen changes to a calm, grassy area with the Pokemon in the middle. Although these animals might still move for a challenge, this option saves you from constantly moving your phone, which lowers the chance of an unintentional collision with oncoming traffic.

5. Choose Pickachu for Your FirstPokemon

If you’re new to the game and looking for some Pokemon GO hacks 2023, this advice is specifically for you. Do not select any of the first few options when choosing your starter Pokemon. As an alternative, wait until Pikachu appears on screen. Pikachu is a naturally preferred option for the Pokemon and the player because of its long-standing link with Nintendo and Pokemon.

6. Choose Your Defender Carefully

When you come across an empty gym, you can designate one of your Pokemon to guard the space and claim the role of gym defender. Because this is meant to be a more long-lasting defender, go for the Pokemon with the second-highest Combat Power (CP).

7. Auto-IV Checking

Another approach involves utilizing third-party IV checker apps, such as the Auto-IV checker, as a Pokemon Go hack. This app informs users about the individual value of a Pokemon, aiding in selecting the best candidates for evolution.

How to Utilize Auto-IV Checkers for Pokemon Go Hacks:

Usually, players can only view a Pokemon’s Combat Power (CP). However, an Auto-IV checker app assesses the creature, assisting players in determining whether it’s worth investing in rare candies and evolving. In the game, there comes a point when decisions must be made about which Pokemon to keep. While some Pokemon may boast high Hit Points (HP) and Combat Power (CP), you should consider their Individual Values (IV). These hidden stats significantly determine how effectively a Pokemon will evolve, making them the critical aspect to focus on.

Steps to Use Auto-IV Checkers for Pokemon Go Hacks 2023:

  • Download an Android emulator on your PC and install it.
  • After installation, open the emulator, search for Auto-IV checker online, and install it.
  • Once installed, use the app to check the IV of each Pokemon.


While IV checkers can be beneficial for maximizing your Pokemon, it’s crucial to note that Pokemon Go does not endorse third-party apps. Various online tools are available for calculating Individual Values (IV) in Pokemon, but you should be cautious when selecting one. Choose wisely since Pokemon GO tends to ban apps exhibiting bot-like behavior. If the Pokemon system detects the use of IV checkers, there’s a risk of being banned. Therefore, we generally don’t recommend this method for cheating in Pokemon Go.

8. Find the Right Egg to Hatch


After choosing a Defender, the next step is acquiring Pokemon eggs from a PokéStop, getting an incubator, and going for a stroll. The quality of the Pokemon that has hatched is correlated with the distance traveled in kilometers. Choosing a 10-kilometer stroll almost guarantees a Pokemon with high stats. On the other hand, a 2-kilometer walk usually produces a more ordinary, lower-level combatant, while a 5-kilometer trek might have a buddy similar to Cubone.

9. Account Sharing

Taking part in account sharing might be beneficial since it enables players to acquire unique and uncommon Pokemon from various regions without using third-party programs.

For instance, if you are in the US and your buddy or acquaintance is in the UK, you can capture Pokemon in one another’s locations by swapping account details. This method does away with the necessity for location spoofing tools while giving players access to various Pokemon and improving the gaming experience.

But it’s important to remember that providing account details is required, which means you have to have a lot of faith in the person you choose. Despite the mutual benefits, there are inherent risks associated with this practice.

10. Inspect the Moves

If a player has more than one copy of the same Pokemon, they should rationalize their collection by eliminating any that don’t improve the game over time. Combat Power (CP) and movements are the two main factors for this selection.

Comparing duplicate Pokemon’s CP is an important factor. Considering both players’ movesets is essential, even if one has a higher CP. Because each Pokemon has a unique set of moves, they have a special meaning. Consequently, it is best to prioritize the Pokemon with the best move stats because, unlike CP points, which can be gained and enhanced over time, moves are unique to each Pokemon.

Niantic’s Three-Strike Policy

Since we mentioned the top 10 Pokemon GO hacks in 2023, it is crucial to highlight Niantic’s three-strike discipline policy. Niantic, the company overseeing the game’s augmented reality mechanics, has implemented a strict stance against cheating. Upon detecting any suspicious activity during gameplay, the game takes a sequence of actions responding to the player’s behavior.

First Strike

A warning notification will be displayed within the Pokemon GO app if they detect cheating activities. For seven days, privileges such as encountering rare Pokemon and Ex Raid pass access may be restricted. If you continue to play fairly within this period, you can restore to normal gameplay.

Second Strike

A second offense results in a suspension message when you attempt to log in. Account access will be denied for 30 days. After the suspension period ends, the account will be reinstated. It is crucial to stop any cheating activities during this stage, as the consequences of a third strike are severe.

Third Strike

For a third strike, you will be permanently banned from the game. Even if you can file a ban appeal if you believe there were mistakes, there is very little chance that your account will be reinstated.


In conclusion, we discussed the top 10 Pokemon GO hacks in 2023. These hacks help you enhance your gaming experience. With increased enjoyment and minimal effort, you can have the time of your life playing this game.

Among the Pokemon Go hacks and tricks mentioned, we highly recommend the iFoneTool, the most trustworthy location spoofing tool.

iFoneTool is an exceptionally proficient location changer that allows you to transport yourself to any location worldwide virtually. This way, you can enjoy the game without worrying about geographical constraints. It prioritizes user privacy and enhances security by employing a GPS location switcher, preventing unauthorized location tracking.